Final Year Project Ideas |
- Java applications for a Bluetooth Platform
- Developing a Computer-based Information System to Improve the Diagnosis of Blood Anemia
- Data Leakage Detection Using Cloud Computing
- Computerization of Telephone Billing System in VB
- Detection of Malarial Parasite in Blood using Image Processing
- Potential for increasing the size of NETSim simulations through OS
- Voice Based Automated Transport Enquiry System in and MySQL
- Pharmacy Management System in PHP + MySQL
- Red Blood Cells Classification using Image Processing
- A PC-Based Open-Source Voting Machine with an Accessible Voter-Verifiable Paper Ballot
- Online Fingerprint Verification
- Smart Card Security from a Programming Language(Java) and Static Analysis Perspective
- Virtual class rooms
- Electronic mail server
- Result alert system using emails and SMS
- Partial face recognition with core facial features
- Face recognition in e-attendance
- Bug tracking system
- Online examination system
- Chat server
- Implementation of security in WAN
- Security system for DNS using cryptography
- Training and placement cell management
- Employee tracking system
- Digital diary project
- ER diagram maker
- Device switching using PC’s parallel port
- Insurance database
- Congestion control in ATM-based broadband ISDNs
- Dynamic flash interface
- Bank management system
- Data mining by evolutionary learning (DMEL) using HBase
- Color Scheme Authentication
- Prescription Viewer App – A Mini-project Using Android System
- Fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data
- Gram-Based Fuzzy Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data In Cloud Computing
- Performance Analysis Of Decode And Forward Protocol With Combining Techniques
- Low Bit Rate Speech Coding
- AES based Energy efficient Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Data mining for credit card processing
- Content base mail classification
- Android application for call taxi
- A Railway Anti-collision System with Phis Plate Removal Sensing and Auto Track Changing A Reverse Engineering Approach for Converting Conventional Turbo C Codeto 64bit C#
- Debugging Grids with Machine Learning Techniques
- SMASH-Scalable Multimedia Content Analysis in a High-level Language
- Design and Implementation of a Consolidated Middle Box Architecture
- Automated Low-Level Analysis and Description of Diverse Intelligent Videos (ALADDIN)
- 3D Mobile Game Engine Development Software Project
- Coaching Management Software
- Development of a Feature-Rich Practical Online Leave Management System (LMS)
- Design and Development of Speed Cash System
- Multi-Million Dollar Maintenance Using WLS Algorithms
- DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) Using Throttle Algorithm
- File System Simulation
- Elevator Control System
- Web-Based Online Library System
- Voice based E-mail for the Blind
- A Railway Anti-Collision System with Auto-Track Changing and Phis Plate Removal Sensing
- Speech Stress Analysis based Cheap Lie Detector for Loyalty Test
- Credit Card Reader with Face Recognition based on Webcam
- Recognition of Hand Movement for Paralytic Persons Based on a Neural Network
- Network Security Implementation Layer through Voice Biometric
- Agent Based Blocking and Response, Intrusion Detection using Signature
- Load Balancing of Artificial Intelligence Network using Ant Colony Optimization
- Authentication and Adaptive Security for DNS System
- Multicasting of Bandwidth Efficient Video in Multiradio Multicellular Wireless networks
- ADHOC Networks Based Bandwidth Estimation of IEEE 802.11
- Data Mining Technique Based Building Intelligent Shopping for Web Services
- Automatic Teller MachineNetwork Implementation based Controlling of CAC Connection Admission
- Adaptive Coaching and Co-Operative System for MANETS
- Multidimensional and Color Imaging Projections
- Inter Domain Packet Filters based Controlling of IP Spoofing
- Hidden Markov Models Based Credit Card Fraud Detection
- Storage Systems Based HBA Distributed Meta Data Management for large Cluster
- Image Analysis and Compression with PSNR and MSE Technique
- Implementation of Threshold Cryptography for MANET Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- Image Processing for Resizing and Bilinear Filters
- Architecture of Distributed Database in Next Generation Mobile Networks for Global Roaming
- Recognition of Dynamic Pattern and Character Using Neural Networks
- Customer Relationship Management Based on Distributed Component Router
- Supply Chain Management System Based on Distributed Component Router
- Dynamic Logistics Management and Support Systems
- Multithreaded Socket Based Email Server
- Web Based Bus Ticket Reservation System
- Chinese Input with Eye Tracking and Keyboard
- Automated Image Enhancement Based Identification of Plaque
- Developing the Encryption, API, Architecture and Security of Biometric Technology
- Automated Transport Enquiry System in MySQL and C# Based on Voice
- Modeling and Detection of the Camouflaging Worm
- Increased Development Process Quality Based Testing of Automotive Real Time
- SQL Based Employee Management System in ASP and C# .NET
- Management System of Pharmacy in MySQL and PHP
- Graph Analysis and Generation for Detecting the Source Code Plagiarism Based on Program
- Implicit Approach Based Animating and Buildup of Wind Driven Snow
- Bullet Physics and Cinder Graphics Based Doodle Processing System
- Simulation and Modeling of Unknown Factors in Acquisition
- Image Processing Segmentation Based Verification of Secured Fingerprint Using Computational Geometry Algorithms
- Mathematical Morphology Based Algorithm for Image Noise Reduction
- Flexible Data Dissemination Strategy in Mobile Wireless CommunicationNetworks for Effective Cache Consistency
- Fingerprint Verification System Based on a Correction
These are some interesting project ideas which provide students with directions to undertake projects that are close to real world applications. They generate awareness about the subject and help students understand better complexities of practical IT applications.
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